Guava the best
Research has been done to
see which fruit is the most nutritious. It appears that Guava is the most
nutritious fruit.
here for the full story. |
and other foods not mentioned on this list
here to go to the site of the USDA for the charts of the fruits
not mentioned on this list.
of the charts - Fruit compared with animal food.
you look at this table you see that one banana and a few strawberries give
you as much as energy as an entrecote! You will not feel as fulfilled,
but your body really can extract as much of energy out of fruit.
- Fat - Sugar
As the
energy fruit contains consists of sugars the fruit is digested in 30 minutes.
This chemical process has no toxic waste products that are difficult to
remove from the body and it even stimulates the removing of toxic elements.
The energy
animal products contain consists of fat and proteins. Because of the high
amount of proteins it is digested in 6-8 hours. This chemical process does
produce toxic waiste-products that have to be removed from your body.
remarkable difference is that fruit contains a substantial amount of fibers
while animal based products don't contain any. Fibers are very important.
water percentage of fruit (80%) is higher than that of meat (15%) and comes
more near the water percentage of the human body (80%).