1) BBC news articles |
The truth about fruit revealed!
- Modest increases in fruit and
vegetable intake of just one or two servings a day may be associated with
large benefits for health.
Full Story
- Scientists have come up with
hard evidence that eating fruit and vegetables cuts the risk of heart disease.
Full Story
- Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant
and is found in many fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants prevent cholesterol
from 'oxidizing' - the process that leads to the furring up of the arteries.
Full Story
- Scientists have examined the
cancer-fighting potential of various chemicals found in the flesh and skin
of apples and they have found that together, these chemicals have an effect
which far outweighs that of taking only vitamin C.
Full Story

2) In season: Fresh Pineapple |
pineapple.. " target="new">
A tasty and nutritious fruit
popular in Thailand, the Phillipines and many other countries around the
world. Store in the refrigerator.

How about a fine fruit salad of
pineapple and blue grapes? Serve in a little bowl with a small fork in
front of the television, just before diner, with or without cream.

Fresh fruit is a great appetizer.
Have fruit before other meals, not after.

Fresh pineapple is a good source
of vitamin A & C and contains everything a human needs, even
a tiny bit of protein. Vitamin A is good for healthy skin and hair and
is necessary for proper bone growth, tooth development, and reproduction.

Pineapples contain a protein-splitting
enzyme. Other fruit that contains this enzyme are fresh kiwi, papaya and
babaco. This substance makes the fruit easy to digest and fried together
with meat it makes it more tender. If you put this fruit in dairy products
it will make them watery. If the fruit is cooked like all canned and other
processed fruit this enzyme is no longer active. |

3) Health Food - Banana
Pudding |
Banana Pudding Recipe

4) Old School: Why 5 pieces
of fruit a day? |
The oldest article of The Fruit
Pages but still actual: five fruits a day can help you reduce three of
the major risk factors for heart attacks -- high blood cholesterol, high
blood pressure and excessive body weight.
Why Fruit

5) New at the store - Melissa's |
Delivering the Global Market.
Melissa's offers a fantastic array of specialty and organic produce items.
The Fruit Store

6) Improved Message Board |

7) Interesting questions
of the Message Board |
Avocado, olives & olive
"I have a family member whos
cholesterol is very high. She loves to eat Avocado, papaya and foods soaked
in olive oil. I had a friend who told me that they may in fact increase
cholesterol. Am i correct when i say that eating Avocado and olive oil
are good for lowering ones cholesterol?"
Re: The Fruit Pages: "Yes,
you are correct. Avocado, olives and olive oil have a positive effect on
the cholesterol level."
Full Story
What are phytochemicals?
Re: The Fruit Pages: "Phytochemicals
are non-nutrient plant chemicals that contain protective, disease-preventing

We hope you've enjoyed this
month's newsletter. Reply to this mail for your comments or suggestions. Till next time,
Ciao, The Fruit Pages
Previous Newsletter Items
fruit - An overview of the tropical fruits.
weight with fruit.
- Handy pocket fruit
the most delicious fruit.
your 5-a-day.
- The delicious fruit from the Incas.
That Fight Cancer.
in Plant Based Diets.
of grapefruit on medication.
Reasons to eat Fruit.
originated in China.
water melon.
Freshly Squeezed Fruit juice.
With Fruit And Dove.
The Fruit Store
Mangoes, Mangosteens and Lychees
become a cyber Activist
Vegetarian foods - powerful for health.
Quick heart health test Texas Heart Institute
CeeBee's Citrus - Buy fresh citrus
Yahoo Health Assessment Test
Lower your blood pressure: Eat more bananas
The Chocolate-Fruit
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